Saturday, April 28, 2012

Higher Than Normal Rainfall Since October

Like 2011, another La Nina winter, the October through March cumulative rainfall preceding the 2012 growing season was higher than normal; providing good groundwater reserves for the coming season.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Uniform Budbreak Throughout the Vineyard

Above average temps during the past week, especially the low 80s we had Sunday and Monday, have given us a strong and uniform budbreak across all blocks:

Clone 115

Wadenswil Clone

Pommard Clone

114 Clone

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Budbreak 2012 - April18

Temps are forecasted in the 70's for this weekend and portions of next week.  The vines are all ready to break bud, so over the next week or so, if the forecast holds, we should see a quick and uniform start of the growing season.

Recent budbreak dates for our vineyard:
2006 - April 21
2007 - April 10
2008 - April 28
2009 - April 20
2010 - March 28
2011 - May 1