Friday, August 17, 2012

First Signs of Color

One more day of hot weather and it looks like we were spared the triple digits forecasted for this week - although all week we have been in the mid to upper 90s, unseasonably warm for the Willamette Valley.  No incremental "sunburn" and the ripening process didn't get interuppted.

Color is beginning to change in all blocks, timing is similar to 2008 and 2010.

There is very little fruit to drop this year - no 3rd clusters, very few laggard wings, and no "extra" crop to thin.  For our own winery, we probably won't drop anything, one of our larger customers has requested that we drop all of the wings (we'll do more work looking for the wings than actually dropping any).  What's out there looks to be maturing at the same time.  It will be interesting, given the length and uneveness of the bloom period, to see what effect this has on veraison.  If veraison proceeds normally, I'm expecting harvest to occur around the 2nd week of October.